Understanding Your Issues

Water Leaks

A Plus Building Services Waterproofing & Membranes Sample

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A Plus Building Services Water Leaks Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

A Plus Building Services Water Leaks Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

A water leak is not only a nuisance but if left for too long, it can cause significant damage to your property.

Here are some examples of what water leaks could be doing to your property:

  • Leaking into the cavity causing mould. Leaking into the cavity and causing exposed metal elements to rust which can lead to concrete cancer or brick growth. This in turn causes structural damage which accelerates the issue.
  • Masking the true extent of the damage. When you see water droplets in one area, it does not mean that the water is coming in straight above. Often the water has tracked along a beam before falling, meaning other areas could be even more damaged.
  • Damaging paintwork, electricals and flooring. 

Identifying what’s causing your building to leak is critical. We frequently attend cases where:

The membrane designed to act as a waterproof barrier is ineffective, has not been waterproofed effectively or has been damaged by the installation of new equipment. The flashings on the roof are not turned up high enough. In the event of sudden rain or due to a blocked drain, the water rises above the flashings and down the wall. Flashings around windows have been inadequately installed meaning when it rains the wind pushes it up and under the flashings and into the cavity. As a result, water can enter the building from the any of the floors below.

Plumbing is damaged causing either a mains pipe or a waste water pipe to dispel water where it shouldn’t.

You have concrete cancer on a flat surface such as a balcony which is allowing water to ingress through the slab and into the cavity. This can result in water running down the internal walls of the building.

To discuss your water leak issue and find out more about our approach to waterproofing and membranes.

Contact us for a building quote which includes site inspection and expert advice.